Explore an ancient land of lost myths and powerful creatures in TUNIC. This isometric action-game about a tiny fox who embarks on a great adventure. You will find yourself on an unknown beach and must use your curiosity to confront giant beasts and collect powerful objects.
Explore a hostile and intricately-connected world of shady forests, sprawling ruins, and labyrinthine catacombs You can fight mighty bosses below the Earth, in the sky, or anywhere else. Find the manual pages that are missing, packed with tips and full-colour illustrations Find hidden treasures that will help you along your journey Find hidden relics and secrets, techniques, puzzles, and other unusual objects. Sound design provided by Power Up Audio (Celeste and Darkest Dungeon), Subnautica, Below Zero Lifeformed also provided an original score (Dustforce and Double Fine Adventure).
Evil Dead: The Game is a spoof of the horror and humor of "Evil Dead". It brings together the most iconic characters from the series in an outrageous, bloody, action-packed encounter against the forces that are dark. As a group of survivors Ash, Kelly Maxwell and Pablo Simon Bolivar along with Scotty, Lord Arthur, Lord Arthur, and others, you will fight the Deadites and exterminate the Kandarian Demon. You can also become the powerful Demon through your possessions to kill the bad guys and swallow their souls.
You will battle across iconic sights such as the Knowby Cabin, which Bruce Campbell has brought to life through terrifying visuals and new dialogue. You will find more than 25 weaponsincluding the Boomstick, Ash's Gauntlet and chainsaw. Also, you can level up skill trees in order to become stronger and last longer.
Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed, a multiplayer fun game for everyone. Ghostbusters are four proton-pack wielding Ghostbusterswho attempt to capture the Ghost from unique places in multiplayer online or offline battles. To enhance their gaming experience, players will be able to unlock cosmetics and upgrades as they progress. Fans will enjoy an immersive universe experience, which allows them to live out Ghostbusting dreams. The game is played in two modes: haunting or hunting. It's simple to learn and easy to master.
While technology and culture have ruled the Earth's surface for centuries, the deepest secrets of its existence remained hidden to us. The discovery of an ancient form of energy opened the door to the terrors that were previously unknown. The rise of monsters all over the globe was the consequence. They fought against our species and left no trace of destruction.
You can unleash chaos and join up to four players against your friends, or with the king. Discover the origins of your heroes and monsters by playing as them. No place will be safe from the chaos that is coming, with familiar landscapes and other exotic locations all around the globe.
Discover and discover mysterious secrets, while also meeting the curious inhabitants of each planet. You can use your hero's skills to fight new enemies with an innovative combat system that combines freedom and turn-based strategic decision making. You can take control of your heroes and defeat your foes, jump on your team, cover behind your back, or hide behind cover to make the most of each turn.
Citizen Sleeper, from the creator of In Other Waters and featuring stunning character art by Guillaume Singelin is a narrative RPG that takes place on Erlin’s Eye. The station is home to thousands trying to survive in an interstellar capitalist society.
A corporation wants to return you as a sleeper. You're a digitalized human consciousness trapped in an artificial body. You will need to make friends, gain your keeps, and navigate this bizarre metropolis if you want to live to the next cycle.
A disused station at the margin of a crisis system. It is run down and chaoticbut it's still alive. It is now held together by anarchic alliances of ramshackle factions as well as a common desire to escape the grips of corporate control.
You get up every cycle and decide what you want to do with it. You can work in the yard or do a shift at the bar. You can also find rare parts in the market or street food. You can make or break alliances. Find truths. Escape those who hunt you. One cycle at a while, learn how to survive andeventually thrive.
Characters from every walk of life are welcome to the stationto try to make it among the stars. Each character has their own history, whether they are salvagers or hackers, bartenders or street-food sellers. Choose which one you want to support and you'll shape your own future.
To access digital data from decades past, discover new areas, and uncover secrets, hack into the cloud at the station. You have the power to change your destiny. If you are willing to dig into the stations' networks, there is a wealth of corporate secrets and AIs that could be used against you.
Essen-Arp says that you're just property to them, another asset in an extensive collection of assets that stretch across the stars. In a world where human expansion has been marked by exploiting and extracting, you are part of an abusive system. You can escape the oppressors of your bodyand make your way in this richly imagined sci-fi universe that explores concepts of freedom, personhood, precarity and identity.
Every cycle, you must roll your dice. You can assign them to any of the many actions on the station. You can choose which actions you take, influencing the lives and future of others.
The station's clocks keep track of your and others actions. Clocks can track everything from helping a Yatagan friend to becoming a local at Overlook Bar, to how far you've come in your life.
You can choose to follow drives and not quests. You will be able to shape the five skills of your character (Engineer Interface, Endure and Intuit), and unlock perks and bonus that can change and reflect how you live.
Players will be able to tend their crops and make friends with locals. They'll also face threats and discover the true origins of the world.
The player awakens in "Quietus", a terrible calamity that threatens all of life and comes with every season change.
"Quietus" Season of death, which occurs at each turn. The dust of death makes it impossible to walk outside and crops turn brown. The duration of Quietus seems to be getting shorter each year.
"World" The game will allow players to visit the following cities and dungeons "Nemea Town", where cherry blossoms are in full bloom throughout the year "Seaside Town Shatolla," which has a vibrant bar scene "Lethe Village," featuring the beautiful colors of each seasonand "Holy Capital Argene," which is snowcovered. To reach the Seaslight, the giant crystalswhich govern the seasons and their four governing colors, players must traverse a rugged but beautiful path.
"Daily Life" You can grow vegetables, fruits, and grains on the fields. They can also be shipped to make money, or even used in crafting. You can use them for cooking. Some recipes have the ability to temporarily increase stats or recover HP. This will prove useful during adventures. The home-based players care for their pets, including the "Cluffowl" round bird as well as the "Woolum" dignified goat. This can lead to some nice rewards.
"Comrades" New friends will be made by players, including "Shrika", a missionary looking for a new faith; "Heine," an attractive mechanic who is flirtatious and charming "Asyl," a descendant from the Wind Readers; and "Aria," mysterious young girl who claims she came from the future. You will learn more about your friends by facing their challenges and learning from their lives.
"Combat" Switch instantly during battle between many jobs such as the "Fighter" who uses quick sword techniques or the Shadow Walker, who uses twin swords to deal lethal blows. Or the "Mage," a specialist in magic attacks. You can take on powerful enemies by attacking their weak points, then you can use a strong Double Break attack to eliminate them.
If you want to get HD resolution, make sure to full-screen all the above screenshots Prodeus, the classic first-person shooterfrom old is reimagined with modern rendering techniques. The game achieves the AAA quality while still maintaining some technical limitations of older hardware. Focus on the most striking visual effects. Amazing dismemberment method There is no end tothe blood! Gameplay: Fast pace action Hellish destruction A dynamic soundtrack Combat scenarios that are visceral and compelling Heavy-duty weaponry There are many secrets you can discover Replayability:Continuous support User generated content Simple to use, level editor Jason Mojica and Michael Voeller of Bounding Box Software are developing Team:Prodeus. They have combined experience in FPS development for 25 yearsand are skilled freelance artists and designers.
Sonic the Hedgehog will be bringing together worlds in his latest adventure. You will experience an experience unlike any other. Accelerate to new heights, and feel the excitement of open-zone freedom at high speeds. You will be able to battle powerful enemies while speeding through Starfall Islands, a landscape brimming full of dense forests, waterfalls, deserts, and other stunning features. ! The Holiday 2022: Travel to new realms.