Serial Cleaners Game Review

“That’s different from how I recall it.”

New York City, New Year’s Eve 1999. Four unlikely professionals working as mob cleaners is gathered to have a drink and talk about their experiences in the early millenium. While the details of their histories don’t line together, the facts about their partnership begin to be revealed. Then, slowly, what was initially a celebration of 10 years of shared history becomes an unpleasant and dangerous clash.

They’ll be meeting with you at an unexpected time within your daily routine.

Serial Cleaners is a tribute to the cinema of the 1990s. From Tarantino’s most acclaimed films to cult-crime thrillers and B-movie action films and much others, Serial Cleaners mixes those familiar characters, places and scenes to give a new spin on an era of enthusiasm and desperation. The dynamic soundtrack incorporates several genres that shaped the last twenty years of the twentieth century: from East Coast hip-hop to metal industrial metal and even rave. It doesn’t matter whether the music of the nineties was created by parties, events or radio, we have your back.

Shut your mouth. Clean without emotion. Then disappear without any trace.

Four characters Four perspectives, four play styles. The options are street-smarts as well as brute force and old-fashioned methods to conquer similar challenges. Choose your path to the story’s non-linear flow by choosing the section of the narrative you want to hear the next time, and take each task as carefully or brazenly as you’d prefer. Make use of stealth, exploration as well as speed, when the situation (and your favorite experience) requires it. Remove the corpses and other damning evidence to scrub the slate of this decade clean before the new millenium comes!

The Review sponsored by naruto best hentai manga

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